How much do your expectations of yourself – the standards you set for yourself – have to do with your success or failure in the workplace, or life in general? An awful lot! It’s been said that our expectations of self will impact and determine our present as well as future behaviour and accomplishments.
If this is true, – which I believe it is – then what I’m saying is that your success or failure is determined by the choices you make and by the standards you set for yourself, and not at all based on luck or on who you know. The upshot of all this is that any lack of success cannot be blamed on others, as so many are inclined to do.
Your parents, spouse or friends may expect a lot from you but it’s not their expectations that will determine your achievements or lack of them. It’s what you choose to expect from yourself that will determine the level of your achievements. Are you one of those fortunate ones whose self-respect demands outstanding performance from self, or are you one whose satisfied with half-hearted effort?
Are you an “I will” person or an “I should” one? What’s the difference? Well, let me tell you, “I should” is a statement of desire; it lacks purpose, does not ask for action, there’s no commitment, it’s intent only, it spells status quo, it’s the way most people choose to live. “I will” is a statement of commitment; it is focussed, has purpose, calls for action, is results oriented, produces achievement miracles.
“I wilI” is the way winners choose to live. Yes, it’s a choice! You can choose to live the I should way and go nowhere, or choose to live the I will way and go places. The choice is yours to make, no one can make it for you. It’s you who has to choose which road to take. So, which will it be the I should or the I will one?
I will praise you, Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all the marvelous things you have done. Psalm 9:1