What’s your goal in life? Are you a born competitor? Do you have an irresistible urge to earn big money and gain power? If so we’re sorry to hear it. It doesn’t auger well for your happiness. One of the worst mistakes you can make is to let money and power be your only goals in life. It makes you regard all others as competitors. It blinds you to the fact that there are individuals all around you who are worth helping and worth recognizing with the same friendly praise and appreciation you seek yourself.
When your primary goals are money and power, you find yourself envying the success of others when you could be enjoying it with them. It’s a big world. Those who are interested only in themselves are headed for a bitter end. While they are trying to win it all, they’re losing. –John Beckley (founder of the Economic Press Inc.
Don’t envy sinners, but always continue to fear the Lord. -Proverbs