Success demands growth, and growth of any kind involves change! And if there’s one thing the human being resists, being a creature of habit, it’s change. I am right in this; don’t you agree? No doubt you’ve heard it said and perhaps, at some time or other, have said it yourself: “I just can’t change.”
The unfortunate thing is that the ones with that mindset are heading for deep trouble in just about every facet of their lives: their career, the workplace, business in general, friendships, marriage, family relationships, their walk with the Lord.
All of the above, in order to be successful, demand ongoing adjustments and a willingness to change. We may need to change habitual ways of interacting, of responding to problems, of using our time and resources, of making decisions, or other behaviours. We may need to accept a change in roles and responsibilities, location, employment, or some other part of life. The ones who don’t have this willingness to change will see their marriages break up, their relationships shipwrecked, their careers stagnate, and their walk with the Lord marred and eventually broken.
The “I just can’t change” mindset is really an “I won’t change” mindset, as everyone—when the will is there, and when God’s help is invited and accepted—is capable of change. Someone with an I-won’t-change attitude is like a tree that won’t bend with the wind: instead it’ll get snapped in two. Don’t be like that tree.
Though change can be upsetting and uncomfortable as well as difficult, the end result of positive, God-honouring change is always rewarding. Turning from an attitude of I can’t or won’t change to one of I will and shall change if growth demands it will have God’s blessing and produce miracles of success in careers, business, relationships, marriages, and most of all in your walk with the Lord. Take my word for it; it worked for me, and it’ll work for you.
And a person with a changed heart seeks praise from God, not from people. —Romans 2:29