Rights and Entitlements

Recently when I overheard some folk talk about their rights and the things they’re entitled to, it brought me back to when I was sixteen. I’m now eighty-four. Sixteen! can you think of a nicer age? It’s the age when you know everything. That naïve confidence allowed me to live in blissful ignorance for a… Continue reading Rights and Entitlements

Success Demands Choices

How much do your expectations of yourself – the standards you set for yourself –  have to do with your success or failure in the workplace, or life in general?  An awful lot! It’s been said that our expectations of self will impact and determine our present as well as future behaviour and accomplishments. If… Continue reading Success Demands Choices

Work a Burden or a Delight

If I were to ask, “Your work: is it a burden or a delight to you?” what would be your answer? My hope is that your answer would be “a delight”. But unfortunately, according to Forbes, some 40 percent of North Americans are unhappy at their jobs. For the first five years of my working… Continue reading Work a Burden or a Delight